*Extension: For students looking for more calculus work, the suggested online resources are from the University of Waterloo's CEMC (Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing) Courseware, UBC, and SFU.
The units are presented in an interactive manner and can be used to review topics that have been covered as well as learn new material.
Unit 4: Extreme Values and Optimization Problems
Suggested Practice Questions
Section 4-1 (Page 170): # 3 abcd, 4 abceg
Section 4-2 (Page 177): # 3 aceik, 4 egi
Section 4-3 (Page 182): # 1 ac, 3 ac, 4
Section 4-4 (Page 189): # 5, 6, 8, 10 (use the distance formula)
Review Part 1 (Page 196): # 1 (omit c), 2, 3 abc, 5, 6
Review Part 2 (Page 199): # 1, 2 (textbook has error, absolute minimum should be -31/27), 3, 4
Unit 3: The Derivative Part Two
Suggested Practice Questions
Section 2-5 (Page 95): # 1 ace, 2 bdf (no need to determine domains), 3b, 6 [answer should be (0,0) and (-5, -5)], 7
Section 2-6 (Page 102): # 1 acegik, 6 ace, 8, 9
Section 2-7 (Page 107): # 1 ef, 2 cd, 3 cd, 5a, 7b, 9
Section 2-8 (Page 111): # 1 ace, 2a, 4, 7ab, 8 [Hint. Start with the standard form (not vertex form) of a quadratic function.]
Review (Page 112): # 4 fghijkl, 7 abc, 9 def
(Page 115): # 2 bc, 3, 4
Unit 2: The Derivative Part One
Suggested Practice Questions
Section 2-1 (Page 76): # 10, 11 (no need to determine domains), 12 cd [for these questions you can replace dy/dx with f '(x)]
Section 2-2 (Page 83): # 1 fghij, 2, 3 ace, 4, 7, 8, 9
Section 2-3 (Page 88): # 1 ace, 2 ac (no need to determine domains), 3 ac, 6, 7, 9
Section 2-4 (Page 92): # 2 aceg, 3 ace, 4, 5, 6 [ (fg)'(2) means the derivative of {f(x)}{(g(x)} evaluated at x =2 ]
Review (Page 112): # 1, 3, 4 abcde, 9 abc, 11, 12, 13
Unit 1: Limits and Tangent Lines
Suggested Practice Questions
Section 1-1 (Page 9): # 7 a(v) bc, 8 a(iv) bc, 9 a(v) bc, 10 a(viii) bc, 12
Section 1-2 (Page 19): # 4, 5, 6 abcdef
Section 1-3 (Page 28): # 5, 6, 7, 9ab
Section 1-4 (Page 35): # 7a (i to v), 8